

Welcome to St. Alban’s Episcopal Church!

Worship with us each Sunday at 10:30 a.m.


130 39th Ave Place, NW + Hickory, NC 28601 + (828) 324-1351
Contact us: theoffice.stalbans@gmail.com


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St. Alban’s Episcopal Church 

Sunday Service of Holy Eucharist – Rite II, 10:30 a.m.

with choir (September-May)

and Children’s Chapel (year round)



We now offer a LIVE STREAM of our Sunday worship on our

St. Alban’s Hickory YouTube Channel

Streaming will begin each Sunday Morning at 10:20 a.m.



Donate Online


To contact Rev. Anne Bridgers



“Answering Christ’s call to offer everyone a place at the Table.” 



“Come as you are, whoever you are, and share with us the
Good News of Jesus Christ  
so we all may know His redeeming love.”  



St. Alban’s Episcopal Church

Make an Online Donation



Contact us:


Interim Rector: Rev. Anne Bridgers:  revanne.stalbans@gmail.com

Family Formation & Communication: Cami Roberts: roberts.cami@gmail.com

Director of Music: Tammy Shook: mamajeanne18@gmail.com

Office Administrator – Kim Wagner: theoffice.stalbans@gmail.com

Financial Administrator – Janet Dziesinski: finances.stalbans@gmail.com 

Sunday Offerings

10:30 a.m. In Person Service of Holy Eucharist