Pastoral Care



Parish Neighbors

The purpose of the Parish Neighbors program is to provide for parishioners and friends in need . One of the main forms of ministry is through the gift of food. Normally a meal is taken at the time of return from hospitalization and childbirth. We also coordinate rides and help when unexpected needs arise.  To volunteer as a “Parish Neighbor” please Office (

Hospital and Institutional Visitation

The clergy have a special role in hospital and institutional visitation. As well, lay caregivers are invited to participate. It is of great importance that parishioners notify the office of planned or emergency visits so that the clergy might be present. Other institutions — nursing homes, assisted living centers, and recovery centers — are also visited regularly by the clergy and lay visitors. Again, the office must be notified. At Christmas, Easter and Pentecost there is a special effort to take communion to everyone who is institutionalized and unable to worship at the church.

Crisis Ministries

There are moments in life which befall God’s people which require the special ministry and presence of a community of faith. The circumstances which define a “crisis” can be varied and the needs of the parishioner household diverse.

We respond at the time of birth and at the time of death. We undertake a strong, but quiet ministry with parishioners where there is job loss or financial reversals. Life’s age transitions also call for faith resources, be it the struggles of a teenager, choosing a college or a preschool, or becoming the caretaker of an aging parent. These ministries are engaged by contact with the parish office or the clergy.

Clergy Leadership in the Diocese

The clergy of the parish are expected to take a role in the life and governance of the diocese of Western North Carolina. The forms of ministry may be elective or appointed. These various diocesan bodies work in the areas of diaconal ministry, ordination discernment, congregational development, diocesan administration, educational ministries, ministry with children and youth, and more.