Christian Enrichment for Children & Youth


10402428_800491256667614_6564029945329759282_nCantorKids is our children’s choir directed by Miss Lauren Shook.  She is highly experienced in working with children and is also a middle school chorus teacher in Catawba County.  The children meet each Wednesday evening (September – May) and sing at various Sunday services throughout the year.  CantorKids offers children music, Bible stories, prayer and child focused fellowship.  CantorKids is open to children who are enrolled in Kindergarten through 6th grade.

10312474_754576217914447_2761262609898848589_n (1)Children’s Chapel 
is offered each week to elementary age children during our 10:30 a.m. worship. Children are led out of the church by the Crucifer and gather in Ferebee Hall where they explore their faith and examine the weekly Gospel reading. Children return to Worship during The Peace.



Youth Group consists of meetings on Sunday evenings approximately twice a month.  These meetings are open to 6th – 12th graders.  In addition to meetings, the youth participate in our weekly worship by serving on Acolyte teams.  Youth are frequently called upon to volunteer with church events and help in the nursery and Children’s Chapel.  This year (2021-22) we will begin our Confirmation Class.  This group of youth meet before our Youth Group on Sunday evenings.  The class will be confirmed in Spring of 2022 when the Bishop will be scheduled to attend.



In addition to these weekly offerings, St. Alban’s encourages children throughout the year with events like: Cantor Kids, Pumpkin Festival, Gingerbread House Day, Walk to Bethlehem (Christmas Eve Family Worship),  Feast of Lights (Epiphany Service), Stations of the Cross for Children, Easter Egg Hunt & Breakfast on Easter Morning, Parish Picnics, Wednesday Night Suppers, Vacation Bible School and various outings in the community and surrounding areas.  
